
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches # Create the image fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) # Create the sky background ax.set_facecolor('skyblue') # Add the sun with cool rays sun = patches.Circle((7, 5), radius=1, color='yellow') ax.add_patch(sun) # Add a field of flowers with animals frolicking flowers = patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 15, 2, color='green') ax.add_patch(flowers) # Add individuals engaged in play and listening to music people = patches.Circle((5, 4), radius=0.2, color='red') ax.add_patch(people) people2 = patches.Circle((6, 4.2), radius=0.15, color='blue') ax.add_patch(people2) people3 = patches.Circle((7, 4), radius=0.2, color='green') ax.add_patch(people3) people4 = patches.Circle((5.5, 3.8), radius=0.15, color=

Bëni Sfonde Të Telefonit Bëni Sfonde Për Pc

Merrni rezultate me cilësi më të mirë me më shumë veçori

Bëhuni PRO

Wallpapers të lidhura



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches # Create the image fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) # Create the sky background ax.set_facecolor('skyblue') # Add the sun with cool rays sun = patches.Circle((7, 5), radius=1, color='yellow') ax.add_patch(sun) # Add a field of flowers with animals frolicking flowers = patches.Rectangle((0, 0), 15, 2, color='green') ax.add_patch(flowers) # Add individuals engaged in play and listening to music people = patches.Circle((5, 4), radius=0.2, color='red') ax.add_patch(people) people2 = patches.Circle((6, 4.2), radius=0.15, color='blue') ax.add_patch(people2) people3 = patches.Circle((7, 4), radius=0.2, color='green') ax.add_patch(people3) people4 = patches.Circle((5.5, 3.8), radius=0.15, color=

Bëni Sfonde Të Telefonit Bëni Sfonde Për Pc

Merrni rezultate me cilësi më të mirë me më shumë veçori

Bëhuni PRO