
Plotinus' The One. The One is the absolutely simple first principle of all. It is both ‘self-caused’ and the cause of being for everything else in the universe.

Yenza Amaphephadonga Efowuni Yenza Amaphephadonga Epc

Fumana iziphumo zomgangatho ongcono kunye neempawu ezininzi

Yiba yiPRO



Plotinus' The One. The One is the absolutely simple first principle of all. It is both ‘self-caused’ and the cause of being for everything else in the universe.

Yenza Amaphephadonga Efowuni Yenza Amaphephadonga Epc

Fumana iziphumo zomgangatho ongcono kunye neempawu ezininzi

Yiba yiPRO