
Make an Enigma Portal according to this My name is Wishma and my 10 wishes or goals to be achieved immediately are To be fit healthy beautiful and attractive always,To follow my God and His religion ,To become a very successful doctor ,To get into AKU as an intern,To see my parents live healthy and happy always,To buy latest iphone and a car ,To have lots of money ,Tp travel and enjoy life to the fullest , To have a loving caring handsome partner ,To perform umrah and hajj with my parents and husband



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Make an Enigma Portal according to this My name is Wishma and my 10 wishes or goals to be achieved immediately are To be fit healthy beautiful and attractive always,To follow my God and His religion ,To become a very successful doctor ,To get into AKU as an intern,To see my parents live healthy and happy always,To buy latest iphone and a car ,To have lots of money ,Tp travel and enjoy life to the fullest , To have a loving caring handsome partner ,To perform umrah and hajj with my parents and husband



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더 많은 기능으로 더 나은 품질의 출력물 얻기

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