
Z tekstem I am worthy of love, joy, and peace, In this moment, I find release. With every step, I claim my space, I walk with confidence, beauty, and grace. No fear can shake my inner light, I trust myself, I’m always right. Love surrounds me, abundance flows, I am divine and it shows. I am safe, I am strong, In perfect harmony, I live all along. Everything always works out for me, Abundant in all I’m destined to be



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Z tekstem I am worthy of love, joy, and peace, In this moment, I find release. With every step, I claim my space, I walk with confidence, beauty, and grace. No fear can shake my inner light, I trust myself, I’m always right. Love surrounds me, abundance flows, I am divine and it shows. I am safe, I am strong, In perfect harmony, I live all along. Everything always works out for me, Abundant in all I’m destined to be



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