
i need a sky with clouds bg img with smooth ensanced effect and on top a text "Hamza "of white color with drop shadow of blue with reapter and offset effect and with bg white rounded 10px box of white color and the box had a dimm kind of effect and opacity less and text should be vibrant



Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Waya Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Pc

Samo mafi kyawun fitarwa tare da ƙarin fasali

Kasance PRO

Fuskokin bangon waya masu alaƙa



i need a sky with clouds bg img with smooth ensanced effect and on top a text "Hamza "of white color with drop shadow of blue with reapter and offset effect and with bg white rounded 10px box of white color and the box had a dimm kind of effect and opacity less and text should be vibrant



Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Waya Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Pc