
A powerful and emotive artwork depicting the struggle with depression as a war. The central figure, representing the battle, is a soldier in worn, tattered uniform, holding a gun with a single bullet left. The background is a devastated battlefield, with shattered buildings and a desolate landscape, symbolizing the toll the war has taken. A blood-red sky looms overhead, indicating the intensity and gravity of the situation. The quote from Anonymo at the bottom reads "Depression is like a war - you either win or die trying" - a poignant reminder of the daily battles faced in mental health.



Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Waya Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Pc

Samo mafi kyawun fitarwa tare da ƙarin fasali

Kasance PRO

Fuskokin bangon waya masu alaƙa



A powerful and emotive artwork depicting the struggle with depression as a war. The central figure, representing the battle, is a soldier in worn, tattered uniform, holding a gun with a single bullet left. The background is a devastated battlefield, with shattered buildings and a desolate landscape, symbolizing the toll the war has taken. A blood-red sky looms overhead, indicating the intensity and gravity of the situation. The quote from Anonymo at the bottom reads "Depression is like a war - you either win or die trying" - a poignant reminder of the daily battles faced in mental health.



Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Waya Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Pc