KAYI! Ga alama hoton da kuke nema ya ƙare ko an cire shi.

Gwada ƙirƙirar sabon hoto ta amfani da kalmomi iri ɗaya.

Yi fuskar bangon waya waya Yi fuskar bangon waya PC


a room full of old games with a shelf full of cartridges and CDs from old consoles, the TV lighting up the room while a game is playing on it, 2000s style



Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Waya Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Pc

Samo mafi kyawun fitarwa tare da ƙarin fasali

Kasance PRO

Fuskokin bangon waya masu alaƙa


a room full of old games with a shelf full of cartridges and CDs from old consoles, the TV lighting up the room while a game is playing on it, 2000s style



Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Waya Yi Fuskar Bangon Waya Pc